Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blog Photo - The abstract shape effect

Blog Photo - The abstract shape effect

Left - PS photo
Right - Original photo

This is how i create my blog photo with abstract shape effect:

01. Select a photo of yourself
02. Unlock the current layer, by clicking on the lock, after select "Okay"
03. Create a new layer by clicking on the "New layer" icon
04. Now select the "Rectangular Marguee Tool"
05. Start creating random shapes, anywhere you want
p/s. All shapes except the first one, should be made by holding the shift key
06. After you create all the random shapes, you click on the color palette, and select "dark grey"
07. Select the "Paint Bucket Tool"
08. Now simply click on one of the shapres, and they will all be filled in, with the selected color.
09. Change the blending mode to: "Overlay"
10. Now right click on "Layer 1" and select "Blending options"
11. Select "Drop Shadow", Increase opacity to 100%, Increase distance to 7px, and click OK
12. Now you done with the first layer, what you do next is create a another layer and repeat the same steps as you create the first layer.

Layer 2 DONE
Layer 3 DONE

Move to the last step
01. Hold CTRL & click on the small square next to "Layer3"
02. Hold CTRL & the SHIFT key, and click on the boxes next to "Layer1 & Layer2"
03. Select the original layer "Layer 0" , Press "CTRL & J"
p/s. the new layer has created.
04. Now select the "Layer 0" again
05. Click on the color pallete and select the color you want for background
P/s. as i have selected "Black" as my background
06. Go to Edit > Fill, Select "Foreground Color" , and OK

BOOM ya. you have your own abstract shape effect's photo too.

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